I guess this a massive thank you letter to my ex ....?


I am honestly sorry if this post makes you cry, but now after my break up and that I'm happy to be out of it, I want to write a thank you letter to him, and maybe to my future exes, so I don't feel like a massive dick, and maybe one day in the future, when I'm feeling like no one loves me, I can remember my past self loves me, so I'm sorry if this is a depression post, I haven't done a lot of reviews lately since my life has been changing and I've been going through a lot of things. So yeah. 

Dear ex and future exes,

I am sorry for having anxiety and depression, and for overthinking but I am not sorry for the person who I am, and if that's a massive problem, then I'm sorry, I never knocked youre confidence because you always found it someone else, you lied the entire way through our relationship and you'll keep doing it over and over again, when you get bored because we're just nothing to you, I'm worth nothing when yet I know my worth, and that's something you can never match. I've been in situations, I should of never got myself in and that knocked me back and so did you but, my worth is far much more than yours and someone day you will realise this, and when that happens, someone will already matched it. 

I still remember when you told me that you never wanted to travel, I want to travel. I want to see sights, hear laughter coming from other people's mouths and make memories. I am honestly not sorry that growing up wise, I went to different countries, I've travelled the UK and I've made friends with new people. I'm honestly lucky, because this is what my heart wants, travelling is where my soul is and thank you for making me wanting it so much more. Maybe one day, I can come back, we can go for coffee and talk about my stories, I can send you videos and photos, and you can see how my life is, because it will be far different than yours. 

I also still remembered when you called me a mess because I drink too much, what else is there to do in this place, apart from slaving away at work 24/7? Unless you have a car and money, you can do a lot of things, when you called me this, you had the chance to take me places but it was always to either asda or your bedroom, that's not a relationship, that's lust, completely different. I might be a mess but I have people who love me, and family who care, I enjoy being different, what about you? Do you just want to fall in line, every single day for the rest of your life? Or do you want to be known for something completely different, I'm famous in two different cities, for things I've done, for parties and tattoos, and it's great. 

I'm not sorry I'm not the girl, women or whatever, you want but maybe one day you'll realise how much I cared, how much you broke and hurt me, because what comes around, goes around. 

I would sign this of in a nice note, but nah. 

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